THE HADITH DIGITIZATION IN MILLENNIAL ERA: A Study At Center For Hadith Studies, Indonesia

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The millennial era has been initially marked by the development of information technology. This article mainly explores the opportunities and challenges of digitizing hadith in the millennial era.  This  study  belongs  to  a  descriptive  qualitative  method. In-depth interviews with the Programmers of the Center for Hadith Studies in Jakarta, observation and documentation were conducted to gather data. The result reveals that digitizing the books of hadith provides an opportunity for everyone to access the books of hadith by downloading the hadith digitization application freely. Therefore, people can access the hadith books in both PDF and digital formats. On the contrary, it may lead to academic anxiety or challenges. This is because the hadith books in both PDF and digital formats can be deliberately changed by irresponsible people so that the authenticity of the information and the accuracy of the data will be questionable. Further, this tendency could be misused by certain people, by changing its contents and then disseminating it for the certain purposes. Regarding this, one of the ways to overcome this is by maintaining its authenticity, updating the content, and adding the copyright to the data source reference using the source check method.

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